
Click or Drag the keys on the keyboard below

Properties Data
Patrick Gillespie

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Key Editor
Primary Key:
Shift Key:
Alt Gr:
Shift + Alt Gr:
Finger For Pressing Key:
Start Position of Finger:
Key Editor
Primary Key:
Shift Key:
Alt Gr:
Shift + Alt Gr:
Finger For Pressing Key:
Start Position of Finger:
Key Editor
Primary Key:
Shift Key:
Alt Gr:
Shift + Alt Gr:
Finger For Pressing Key:
Start Position of Finger:
Key Editor
Primary Key:
Shift Key:
Alt Gr:
Shift + Alt Gr:
Finger For Pressing Key:
Start Position of Finger:
Key Editor
Primary Key:
Shift Key:
Alt Gr:
Shift + Alt Gr:
Finger For Pressing Key:
Start Position of Finger: